Electrical & Lighting Yandina Hardware stocks a vast array of Electrical and Lighting products. From new builds, renovations and repairs, Yandina Hardware has what you need. Visit us or Drop us a line to check if we have what you need or can order it in. Yandina...
Power Tools We have a growing range of quality Makita Power Tools for DIY and Trade use.Call or Visit us to see if we have it in store or can order it in for...
Plys, Sheet & Plastering We have a large range of fibre cement sheet, plys, plasterboard and accessories in stock, ready for pick up or delivery (see...
Cement & Concrete Products We stock a full range of quality cement and concrete products from sunstate cement. Small and bulk quantities available. Call or Visit us with any questions you may...
Pool Care Yandina Hardware offer free pool water testing and stock a vast range of pool care chemicals and accessories. Simply bring in a water sample and we can assist you to keep your pool looking crystal clear all year round. Call or Visit us to see to your pool...